b'Terry S., Chuck N., and Bob W.Its so important for our members to see their work andThis is a very dedicated group of people passionate support making a difference, Lozeau said. For example,about giving back to their community. I am always seeing the Marines come in to collect the Toys for Totsimpressed by their commitment to serve others, Comeau donations and showing us who received them. added. My role as a facilitator who helps to coordinate Over the last nine years, interest in NEVs Aktion Clubcommunity projects for the club allows me to connect this has remained steady, as at least 20 members typicallygroup with others in the community.attend each meeting twice a month. Thats excellentI appreciate being able to promote their mission to serve attendance, Lozeau said. others because many only see people with disabilities as being on the receiving end of community service. I wish everyone could see the hard work and dedication every member brings to the table. This service-leadership opportunity creates a sense of belonging within a community, which we all crave.Aktion Club advisor Gerry Lozeau (bottom right) with club members at a bake sale.6'