b'WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO THEHANSON FOOD PANTRY TO HAVETHE HELP OF OUR INDIVIDUALS? Our friends at New England Village provided us with amazing fresh produce all through the summer. Our clientsalways enjoy having a fresh option. The hard work of the gardeners is appreciated!The Hanson Food Pantry thanks you!Kenny D. and Chris Cameron Chris Cameron, Director, Hanson Food PantryWE LOCAL BUSINESSES!Good Deeds for NEV | Good Deeds thrift storeRestaurant Night 2023 | We are so grateful for our in Pembroke named NEV as the beneficiary of itsmany friends and neighbors who came out to support Community Giving Campaign, donating a portion of itsNEV at Somewhere Else Tavern in Junetogether, we profits to us for the last quarter of the year. Thank youraised $1,200! We cherish our community partnerships for being an incredible neighbor, Good Deeds! and look forward to more events!CEO Stephanie Costa, Good Deeds owner Larry DeRoche, and Pembroke Town News representative Kyle Harney12'