b'WHAT DO YOU ENJOY WEMOST ABOUT WORKINGI l IN THE COMMUNITY?VOLUNTEERS!ike working in my community at Roche Bros. because I like meeting people andNEV Welcomed Blue Cross Blue Shield of as a bagger, I meet new people every timeMassachusetts for #ServiceDay2023 | This year, I work. I am so happy to be working byNEV was thrilled to be chosen to be a Service Day organization for Blue Cross Blue Shields annual myself and Im proud of myself for beingvolunteer event. On Thursday, September 28, we able to be such a good worker.welcomed 25 amazing volunteers from across the state who chose our School Street locationMatthew B.as their day of service. BCBS guests spruced up the residence entryways by weeding, mulching, and planting bulbs; painted the fence at our School Street entryway; and collated first aid and emergency kits for our residences. Eastern Bank Banking and Budgeting Classes | Debra Feurtado and Elizabeth Gonzalez from the Duxbury branch of Eastern Bank visited NEV and shared important tips with individuals served about how to create a budget, the difference between checking and savings accounts, and how to keep a check register. In addition to useful information about personal banking, the workshops also included games and refreshments.13'