b'Dear New England Village work with our partners at the AssociationMESSAGE Families & Friends,of Developmental Disabilities Providers (ADDP) to advocate for the necessaryFROM When I reflect on the past year, I thinkstatewide budgetary investments to about the positive impressions oursupport competitive wages for the careSTEPHANIEcommunity members have shared withworkforce.me about NEV. Its particularly meaningful when people make a point of sharing theirAdditionally, to maintain the staffing takeaways. The common thread with theirratios necessary to support our day remarks was how NEV stands out fromhabilitation program, we reorganized our other human services organizations.programming.In August, we moved our In the last year, we were bolstered by ourDay Enrichment Program (DEP) at the community in countless wayssupportingSollar Wellness Center to the Efron Center us in fundraising initiatives, steppingfor Enrichment in Kingston. Overall, the up as volunteers, and hosting amazingmove has been a positive and exciting celebrations for the people we serve.transition that puts us in the best position From the NEV Family Association to localto be able to increase attendance for those businesses and foundations, we truly feltattending the program. Best of all, the the love from those around us.individuals we support have been given the opportunity to make new friends and This year, to provide focus for our teamconnections. and our philanthropic partners, NEVsLastly, thanks to our Employee Recognition senior leadership and Board identifiedand Engagement Committee, we continue five key giving priorities. These are areasto find ways to express our gratitude that are only fractionally funded by statefor the ongoing commitment from our contracts, but are central to our progress.staff. Our Direct Support Professionals As we work towards advancing ourAppreciation Week was a terrific success, existing relationships and establishingalong with other morale-boosting events new partnerships, NEV will intentionallythroughout the year.develop collaborative and innovative solutions to meet the challenges outlinedAs I think through how we have responded in each of the following areas: to some of the challenges discussed, I nStaff Recruitment, Engagement, am reminded just how important the support to NEV has been along the way. & Retention Since the very beginningmore than 50 nEnsuring Wellnessyears agothe loyalty of our donors hasAging & Complex Needs never wavered, and for that we are truly n Facility Enhancements,grateful. Many of the names printed in this Environmental Mitigation, report are longstanding donors, and the & Capital Projects commitment they have shown through giving is truly exemplary. Were excited n Community Engagement & about the momentum weve built with our Equitable Employment community initiatives and friends, and nExpanding Human Service were looking forward to continue to build and deepen lasting relationships.Programs to New PopulationsThe continuing workforce shortageSincerely, remains the most prominent challenge we face. As a result, staff recruitment, engagement, and retention has beenStephanie Costa, MPHidentified as a top priority. We continue toCEO3'