b'In 2014, when Kiwanis Club of Hanson president Gerry Lozeau presented the idea of starting a chapter of the Aktion Club at New England Village, Ginger Comeau, NEVs Director of Enrichment and Community Service, was excited by its possibilities.The Kiwanis Club of Hanson was looking to complete itsthrough the vehicle of service. Aktion Club provides an family of service leadership groups, as they also sponsoropportunity to build leadership and decision-making skills the Builders Club (middle school), Key Club (high school),and hold leadership roles.and Circle K Club (college/young professionals), ComeauEach club needs 15 members to join (the charter), said said. New England Villages Residential Director andGerry Lozeau, and New England Village had 28 members I were asked to be host agency club advisors. We metjoin in just the first year, making it one of the largest Aktion with Gerry several times to discuss how we would buildClubs in New England.interest and membership in this charter group.I loved the idea of having a self-directed club where theClub members dedicate themselves and their time tofocus was on providing leadership opportunities for thedoing for others. Their activities and opportunities to give individuals we support and where we would be workingback to the local community and beyond are what theyre to make our communities better. I was hesitant aboutall about. Members experience meaningful community the idea of meeting twice a month, as I thought for sureservice activities. They learn organization, teamwork, and members would become bored with it. But here we are,leadership.nine years later, still going strong!But the most important lesson they learn is that Aktion Club, a branch of the Kiwanis Club and the onlyindividuals working together can make a difference service club for adults with disabilities, boasts more thanin the world around them.10,000 members worldwide. According to Kiwanis, club members become competent, capable, caring leaders Terry S. (left) and Caleb L. (right) with a member of theDirector of Program Improvement & Support Beth von Staats, Pembroke Police Department. her son LCpl. Josh von Staats, and Peyton H.5'