b'LOOKING AHEAD 2024As we reflect on the achievements and milestones of the past year, we are energized and optimistic about the future of New England Village. We have identified several key focus areas and strategic initiatives that will guide our efforts throughout 2024.As outlined in our Strategic Plan for Fiscal YearBUILD RELATIONSHIPS | 2024/2025, we will concentrate on the Building BlocksDEEPEN EXISTING RELATIONSHIPSto our Future:AND ESTABLISH NEW ONES nCollaboration is at the heart of everything we do. We BUILD IN|will prioritize strengthening existing partnerships and BE THE BEST AT forging new alliances with like-minded organizations, WHAT WE DO NOWgovernment agencies, and stakeholders. By sharing n Advance our commitment to choice and control,stories of impact and highlighting the importance of respect and dignity, community access, membership,the support we provide, we aim to inspire others to and inclusion for individuals across all programs. join us in creating positive change.n I mplement the strategic use of technology to createnWe will continue the advocacy for our mission and increased capacity, efficiency, and risk reductionworkforce as we work for the adoption of fair and across our programs. competitive salary benchmarks at the Bureau of Labor Statistics 75th percentile or higher in the nPrioritize the 3Cs of employee engagement human service rate-setting process.Competence, Career & Care, to recruit, retain, andWe recognize the importance of these initiatives in leverage the workforce to meet changing needs in ourbuilding organizational resilience and ensuring long-service delivery. term sustainability. By working together, we can leverage our collective strengths and resources to BUILD OUT|achieve these goals and create a greater impact. EXPAND OUR SUPPORTS AND SERVICES Additionally, we have many fun events and activities TO ADDRESS UNMET NEEDSplanned throughout the year (a few of which you can n We will continue to plan enhancements to oursee on the next page). We look forward to a new year of facilities to support accessibility for the changingcommunity involvement and partnerships, and we cant needs of those we support, including meeting thewait to see you on Family & Friends Day! needs of the individuals we support to age in place.nBuilding upon the success of our existing programs, we are committed to identifying emerging needs and aim to develop innovative programs that address pressing challenges and empower individuals to thrive.NEV staff offered DSPs a breakfast toll booth as part of Direct Support Professional Recognition Week in September20'