b'The Womens CommitteeTo move forward with this endeavor,luncheon got offintellectual money needed to be raised. Into a bit of a shakydisability, and 1970, the Womens CommitteestartRosethe challenges was formed with the sole purposeKennedy whoshe watched her of raising the funds necessary towas the plannedsister endure.make the dream of this residentialguest speaker community a reality. The committeehad to cancelTo its credit, accomplished this daunting taskthe morningNew England through various fundraising efforts,of the event,Villages Womens including golf outings (for menafter taking a fall. Fortunately, herCommittee raised something even only) and spring fashion showsdaughter-in-law, Joan Kennedy,more valuable than moneyit for the women. By far, however,stepped in for Mrs. Kennedy andraised awareness about people the biggest and most successfulgave her speech to the nearly 1,500with intellectual and developmental events were the annual luncheons,people gathered at the inauguraldisabilities, their desire to be treated 8 which included some very illustriousevent. The luncheon was a hugewith respect and dignity, and the speakers and filled banquet hallssuccess and a tradition began. belief that they should have a place for 30 years, first at the Chateau dein society. The Womens Committee New England VillageVille in Framingham and later at theIn the years that followed, luminarieswas able to, through political and Sheraton-Boston Hotel. The first from the world of politics, journalism,media affiliations, in a small way, entertainment, and pop culturechange societys perception Dr. Joyce Brothers, Shirley Widerman andNatalie Jacobson at a 1970s Womens graced the luncheon stage. Theseof people with disabilities and Committee Luncheon. speakers were the cultural iconsbegin peeling away at the stigma of their timeRobertson, Carlisle,associated with having an Brokaw, Sills, Gumbel, Buchwald,intellectual disability. Rivers, and Trump (Ivana Trump spoke in 1995) to name a few.At its height, the committee boasted Renowned news anchor Barbaraa membership of 3,500 and a board Walters was the guest speaker atof directors of 40; it raised more the committees second luncheon.than $2 million for the organization It was 1972 and Ms. Walters hadduring its tenure. New England planned to speak about her recentVillage owes a debt of gratitude, trip to China. At the last minute,not only to its founding families, but however, she scrapped her notesalso to this formidable committee of and, instead, spoke about herwomen.older sister, Jackie, who had an NEV_50Year_95x95_v5Final.indd 8 6/8/22 4:32 PM'