b'19922001: Here We Grow Again Originally, NEVs homes wereConstruction at the Village was designed as 8-bed units with 60%not limited to just the homes; of the residents sharing a bedroom.in 1997 the central community But, by the early 1990s, it wasbuilding, as it was called at the time, becoming increasingly evidentwas renovated and renamed the that individuals wanted and wereSheingold Community Building, in entitled to their own space. In 1993recognition of Leonard and Shirley Fuller House opened and was theSheingold. This space would house first smaller 4-bed home built ona number of programs, including the property. The addition of thisan art room, lounge, and the Ray new home allowed House 4 toAssembly Hall where large groups downsize from 8 beds to 6. A yearcould gather and socialize. later, LaChance House opened, increasing the Villages options for 26 homes with a lower number of beds, enabling further downsizing of otherTop photo: Paige Belmonte in the livinghomes.room of the Duplex.New England VillageBottom photo: Watson House kitchen.1994 construction of the LLaaCChhaanncceeHHoouusseeNEV_50Year_95x95_v5Final.indd 26 6/8/22 4:32 PM'