b'2012202254Peyton Hatfield Chris Burdge Kristen Stoddard with Mark OLearyNew England VillagePeyton Hatfield Chris Burdge, Staff Mark OLeary Peyton is a familiar face toWhen I came here to NewFor many years, the OLeary anybody who uses New EnglandEngland Village about 3years agoFamily Foundation has generously Villages intranet website, NEVweb.it was a pleasant surprise to see thedonated turkeys and hams to every She can often be seen in a weeklyunity and dedicated work ethic thatresidential program on major holidays. video posted on the site usingis instilled within the staff here. TheyWhen asked why they choose New American Sign Language. Whenare not just engaged and presentEngland Village as a beneficiary asked what New England Villagewith the individuals but also with peerof this thoughtful and considerate means to her, she immediately startedemployees. donation, founder Mark OLeary says, rattling off the names of some of herWorking here at NEV hasWe strongly believe in New England favorite staff: Sarah, Ginger, and, ofchanged my life for the better. I feelVillages mission and the work it does course, Sue OShea, who teaches herlike I serve a purpose and that Imto support adults with intellectual and sign language. making a difference in somebodysdevelopmental disabilities. We will life. I enjoy getting up each day andcontinue to donate to ensure that this going to work. Work isnt work if youvulnerable population in society is not love what you do, and it is easy for meforgotten about and that their needs to say that I absolutely love what I do. are cared for.NEV_50Year_95x95_v5Final.indd 54 6/8/22 4:33 PM'