b'Joan Durgin Representative Josh S. Cutler When Joan Durgin saw a social 6th Plymouthmedia post for a free yoga class at We feel fortunate to have a friend the Sollar Wellness Center (SWC),in Representative Josh S. Cutler. Its she thought it might be a goodnot unusual to see Representative opportunity to try it out. And since theCutler at our events and we class wasnt being held in a traditionalappreciate the support he gives us.gym, it made it less intimidating. The For fifty years, New England yoga class was great! I ended upVillage has exemplified what it signing up with my sister-in-law andmeans to care for its community we started taking yoga classes onand its members. NEV not only Saturday mornings together. I felt likeprovides services that assist the I had so much energy after the earlymen and women it supports, but morning session, she says. it is a beacon for the rest of the She went on to take several othercommunity, showing what it means55fitness classes at SWC and got toto include those of all abilities in meet many people, including someJoan Durgin our daily lives. Individuals with Our First 50 Yearsof the people NEV supports. Donnadisabilities are our friends, family is one of my favorites. Shemembers, and colleagues. was always a bright spot in aNEV provides opportunity class, Durgin says.and empowerment to its She has also attendedclients and demonstrates to the plays that NEV has putthe rest of the community on in the community as wellwhat it means to act with as taken some art classeshumility and greater purpose. offered by Art DirectorCongratulations to NEV for Melanie Zagwyn.half a century of service!Im so thankful for NEV opening up their incredible community to me! Happy 50th! Heres to another 50 years, says Durgin. Representative Josh S. Cutlerand Molly HoustonNEV_50Year_95x95_v5Final.indd 55 6/8/22 4:33 PM'